Articles on: Affiliate Program

How do I login to my Affiliate Dashboard?

If you are already an affiliate, here's how to log in to your Nindohost Affiliate Dashboard.

Once on Nindohost's website, scroll down to the bottom of the page, then click on the link Affiliate Program in the footer.

The link to our Affiliate Program Page

At the bottom of the first section of the page, click on: Or sign in to your existing affiliate account!.

the link to Affiliate Program Login Page

You will be redirected to the login page.

Enter your username and password.

Then, choose your preferred language and click the "Login" button.

Login Screen

Note that the language you select will not only set the display language of your Dashboard but also determine the language in which you receive future notification emails. However, you can change the language each time you log in.

Once logged in, you will presented with your Nindohost Affiliate Dashboard.

Updated on: 12/30/2024

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